Wir bieten Lösungen - regional & praxisnah!

Your competent service partner and project partner in Europe for Horizon and INTERREG

Webcode: 01010187

Our competences: agriculture, diversificaton on farm incomes, women in rural areas, rural development, agri-business, bioenergy, climate change, water-, soil-, air- and floodprotection-Management, forest, food quality, vocational education, employeemanagement, knowledge-management, advisory services

The chamber is partner in different EU-projects sponored by

Horizon (2020): FAirWAY, DiverIMPACTS, WEAM4i, EUFRUIT, green Gain, LANDMARK, AGRISPIN, Inno4Grass as well as 

Interreg, here mainly Interreg V B North Sea Region: NuReDrain, TOPSOIL and also Interreg V A (D/NL) e.g. MOM (Mest of Maat) and several national funded projects e.g. by the federal state of germany, lower saxony, metropolitan areas, foundations and others.

In addition, the Chamber will seek projects in the future via funding through Horizon Europe. 

We would be pleased if you contact us to develop joint projects along the challenges of the green sector. 

Your contacts
for lower saxony in Oldenburg considering projects and EU funding programs,
feel free to get in touch:

in brussels, Association chambers of agriculture, EU-Office Brussels:

  • Karin Ellermann-Kügler